Entrepreneurial stress: What it is, how to cope, and other important tips

As far as starting and growing your own business goes, stress is just par for the course among entrepreneurs. But just because it’s to be expected doesn’t mean you have to live with it. Every established entrepreneur knows that the difference between failure and success is how you handle stress. Be the best you can be by learning all about entrepreneurial stress and the best ways to manage it.
Understanding the causes of entrepreneurial stress will help you better manage your work habits, maintain a healthy work-home balance, and make it easier for you to achieve your business goals.
Entrepreneurial stress typically comes from things like looming deadlines, a heavy workload, a daunting work environment, and even toxic co-workers. It can also be caused by something that goes beyond the office walls like competitors, suppliers, investors, contractors, and general business bureaucracies.
Once you’ve figured out which aspect of your job stresses you out the most, you’re one step closer to achieving a better work lifestyle.
In the hectic world of startups and new business enterprises, stress naturally comes with the territory. But instead of avoiding these day-to-day irritants, you can just accept them as part of the job and learn how to manage them. This strategy is what separates successful entrepreneurs from the burned-out ones.
Do note, though, that stress management isn’t just about keeping a productive work life — it’s also about maintaining a healthy and happy lifestyle. Here are the best coping strategies that are sure to help you keep entrepreneurial stress at bay:
Don’t take work-related slipups personally
Don’t treat professional missteps as personal failures. Every entrepreneur has their fair share of bad days at the office and that’s completely normal. Always keep some emotional distance between your work life and personal life. Understand that all entrepreneurs, no matter how long they’ve been at it, can still make mistakes.
Plan a post-work creative period
Studies have shown that a few minutes of engaging in art helps decrease stress significantly. Whether it’s drawing, playing an instrument, or even refurbishing old furniture, doing anything creative is highly effective in giving your mind a much-needed break. You don’t have to be particularly good at it, either. As long as it gets your creative juices flowing, it’ll help you de-stress.
Exercise regularly
Studies from the American Psychological Association and the Anxiety and Depression Association of America reveal that regular exercise can greatly reduce stress and anxiety.
Exercise is also found to calm you down when you feel angry or irritated. If the entrepreneurial stress is getting to you, go for a run or work out at the gym to relieve some of your frustrations. Or if you don’t have the time nor the energy, a simple breathing exercise (slow inhales and exhales while standing and arms akimbo) can do the trick.
As an effective mood enhancer, exercise releases endorphins — also known as “happy hormones.” Other benefits include:
Improved long-term mental and physical health
Enhanced creativity
Stronger immune system
Sharper memory
Increased concentration
Take breaks
The urge to power through task after a task is strong among entrepreneurs. However, the eagerness to finish the job as quickly as possible may not be such a wise idea.8
Instead of going through your to-do list at full force, it’s best to pace yourself. Take breaks every now and then. It might sound counterproductive, but breaks between tasks can refresh the mind and re-energize you.
Keep track of your progress
For entrepreneurs, the job is never done. There’s always a new task waiting around the corner. Disheartening as it may be to know that you still have so much to do despite all the work you’ve already done, don’t beat yourself up for it.
Avoid questioning your self-worth by regularly tracking your progress at work. Focus on your growth. List your daily accomplishments to see how much progress you’ve made. This will also put your goals into perspective and give you a better understanding of how to improve.
Don’t neglect your social life
Your company is important but it shouldn’t be your whole life. Remember to leave some room to socialize with friends and family. They can help take your mind away from the stresses and remind you of the real reason behind your existence.
It’s also a good move to forge friendships and connections with fellow entrepreneurs and like-minded business professionals. These people can provide a valuable support system as they can understand exactly what you’re going through. Approach them, especially for feedback and advice on business matters.
Get enough sleep
Staying up all night to finish a project may be productive for your short-term goals but overworking yourself isn’t a great long-term plan. Too many late nights at the office can take a heavy toll on your health, as well as your outlook on work.
Get as much sleep as you can to reenergize and recover from the stresses of the previous day. Make sure you get quality sleep by creating an environment that is peaceful and relaxing. Putting on some meditation music of calming ambient sounds just before you nod off can help, too.
Avoid multitasking
Darting from one task to another may seem like you’re completing two tasks at once. In reality, however, you’re actually just dividing your focus and energy into two separate things.
Contrary to what many people say, multi-tasking isn’t as effective as you think. Neurological experts at the Cleveland Clinic notes that it compromises your thinking capability and can even impair your skills.
If you have trouble keeping your focus, try time management methods like the Pomodoro Technique where you break down work into 25-minute intervals separated by 5-minute breaks in between.
Don’t be afraid to delegate
Taking on all the responsibilities of your startup can easily overwhelm even the best entrepreneurs. If you try to do it all, you run the risk of spreading yourself too thin and dropping things that matter the most.
Instead of stressing out and micromanaging your business, the best course of action is to delegate what you can. Be confident in your team’s capabilities and remember that you chose them to be part of your company for a reason.
Learn when to say “no”
Being an entrepreneur means saying yes to new experiences and opportunities. However, saying yes to everything will leave you overstressed and overworked.
Every successful entrepreneur knows that to achieve success, you need to know when to say “no.” Set boundaries, know your limits, and don’t be afraid to decline if someone asks you for something above what you can realistically deliver.
If left unchecked, entrepreneurial stress can leave you burned out. Here are reasons why you should address stress as soon as possible:
Stress impacts the quality of your work
When you suffer, the quality of your work suffers, as well. Stress may be a motivator for some but too much of it can lead to dwindling productivity and creativity levels.
Stress has negative physical effects
Long-term stress can cause a myriad of health problems that range from lowered immunity and stomach ulcers to more serious issues like stroke and heart disease.
Stress is bad for your mental health
Prolonged stress can have adverse effects on your mental wellbeing. If you leave it unchecked, this could lead to depression, anxiety, and even panic attacks.
Prevention is the best cure. Here are some ways to nip stress in the bud:
Be aware of the signs. Pay attention to your mind and body. If you feel tired all the time or your mood is inconsistent, then it’s probably time to take a break.
Start the day by doing something for yourself. Self-care should be your number one priority. As an entrepreneur, your success relies on you being the best version of yourself. So, make sure you start the day right by doing something that you enjoy.
Have a Plan B. Entrepreneurial stress often occurs when there is a disruption from the regular work routine, whether it’s a sudden change of plans or a new problem popping up. Always have a backup plan in case things go astray and cover all your bases.
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