A Guide to Freelancing: How to Be a Digital Nomad
"Today's office," one caption read on an Instagram post. In the picture: a pair of legs outstretched on a hammock tied to tall coconut trees. In the background, a wide expanse ...
Events You Can Host to Make This Summer Your Productive-est!
Contrary to popular belief, there are plenty of things to do indoors during the summer. Just scroll through your social media feed to find a selection of events happening near ...
Five Ways You Can Thrive as an Entrepreneur
Some of the best innovations in the world—from the first photo of a black hole to a foldable touchscreen phone—started out as an idea that someone just decided to pursue. ...
10 Habits That Great Leaders Practice to Strengthen Team Spirit
As a leader, it’s your responsibility to set the right standards for your team. Instead of complaining about millennials and how they contribute to your company attrition...
5 Steps to Empower and Motivate Your Virtual Team
Modern-day technology has opened the doors for remote workers and virtual teams. But now that we are no longer limited to working in the same physical space as our team, we nee...
How Coworking Spaces Make You More Productive
The studies are in: coworking is good for your health, makes you more creative, gives you more chances for collaboration, and can even improve your income. Let’s take a c...
Are Power Naps the Magical Key to Happiness?
Are you in the habit of catching forty winks? If so, you’re in good company. Taking a catnap for a few minutes in the afternoon is beneficial for everyone. No need to sleep ...
Defeat the procrastination blues! Here are 9 benefits to putting off tasks
On the off chance that you’re like us and prefer fun and distraction instead of grinding away at work, take comfort in the fact that there’s safety – and justification �...
A Guide to Multitasking: How to Be a Certified Task Juggler
Do you have “capable multitasker” or something similar listed on your resume? Perhaps it’s time to reconsider that. According to science, multitasking is not a producti...
Boost Your Productivity With These Life-Changing Work Apps
Practice makes perfect, and productivity takes a lot of practice. It’s a big enough challenge to roll out of bed in the morning (or afternoon), let alone work on tasks that n...